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Shree Shree Nishkalank Kalki Dham was built by Jai Shree Hari Trust by the inspiration of His Divine Grace Pandit Trilochan Dev ji Maharaj Parampad. Devotees from all over Bharat visit on major festival days. A beautiful gaushala was established in 1996 which is ever expanding. Now there are many ‘gau matas’, calves and bulls. Shree Gopal ji deity was installed in 1999 and Shree Kalkiji deity was installed in 2001.

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Lord Kalki and Kalki Dham

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The presiding deity in this Kalki Dham is the deity of Lord Kalki Ji who will appear to end this most degraded age ‘Kaliyuga’. He will kill all the rakshasas, asuras and demons. He will protect the devotees of the lord and mother cow etc. Lord Kalki will re-establish the eternal principles of eternal religion on the whole earth planet. He will start the Golden Age of ‘Satyuga’ and rule over it for thousands of years. It is written in Srimad Bhagvatam and other ancient vedic scriptures that he will appear in the village named Sambhal in the house of a great Vaisnava devotee Brahmin, ‘Vishnuyash’.

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His Divine Grace Pandit Trilochan Dev ji Maharaj Parampad

We are waiting for his appearance on this earth planet very eagerly and praying day and night to him “Please appear on this earth planet immediately to finish the irreligion prevalent all over the earth planet and stay here at Kalkidham atleast for sometime while re-establishing the Golden Age (Satyuga).” This very beautiful Shree Nishkalank Kalki Dham was built in the fields in a beautiful setup like Vrindavan in Mathura district.

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Kalki (Vishnu) bhaktas are welcome to visit Kalkidham to practice spiritual activities and sadhna in a calm and serene environment. Come and extend your support in fulfilling our mission

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