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Our Mission

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The mission of Shree Shree Nishkalank Kalki-Dham is to:

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1. Pray to Lord Kalki to appear soon and end this most degraded age of Kali (Kaliyuga)

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2. Establish a holy place of pilgrimage and temple primarily dedicated to the worship of Lord Kalki and to invite Lord Kalki to come and stay at this place when He appears

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3. Preach and spread the name and glories of ‘Lord Kalki’ so that everyone comes to know who is the next incarnation of Lord Krishna, what will be his purpose and activities etc.

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4. Protect Gau Matas (cows)

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5. Re-establish Varnasharma Dharma

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6. Re-establish Brahminical Culture and Vaishnavism

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7. Bring people from different faiths and backgrounds closer to God and together perform Harinam Sankirtan for purification of the atmosphere in Kaliyuga

